Master LEA Parcours Relations Commerciales Internationales - Traduction anglais

Master’s Degree in Foreign Languages specialised in International Business Relations

Degree: Master’s degree
Department: Humanities
Course: Foreign languages
Specialisation: International business relations


The master’s degree in international business Relations (RCI) aims at training students to become experts in two foreign languages (English and a second language to choose between German, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese) depending on their previous bachelor’s degree. In the span of two years, students will develop further skills in the fields of international trade, company management, law, accounting, human resources management, intercultural professional relations and negotiation, international taxation, marketing and web-marketing, logistics and IT tools.

The teaching staff also pays particular attention to key strategic subject matters for Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes – France’s second largest economic region – in relations with our European and international trading partners. In Saint-Étienne, logistics is a cornerstone of these business relations. International transportation and trade related to art and design are also essential.

For whom?

Admission requirements

  • Holding an LEA bachelor’s degree
  • Holding a first-year LEA-RCI master’s degree (for second year master’s degree application)
  • Students with other qualifications may be admitted upon individual file reviewing
  • Applications for LEA-RCI master’s degree are to be prepared and submitted


The RCI Master’s degree aims at training students to meet the demands of international trade and provides them with essential knowledge to manage these issues:

  • Managing and developing a client portfolio in English-speaking, German-speaking, Spanish-speaking, Italian-speaking, and Portuguese-speaking countries,
  • Prospecting for new markets nationally and internationally
  • Managing import and export products and services,
  • Studying the economic specificities of a given geographical area,
  • Mastering logistics and stock management,
  • Placing and tracking orders,
  • Translating business, technical, legal, or specialised documents into English, German, Spanish, Italian, or Portuguese,
  • Managing business communication,
  • Managing marketing and web-marketing tools and techniques,
  • Applying accounting and international taxation, European and international procedures and regulations
  • Mastering IT and computer skills
  • Preparing, conducting, and reporting on work in meetings, working groups, and seminars in different languages

What to do afterwards?

Career prospects

Holders of the RCI Master’s degree may look for senior/management positions in import-export or SME/SMI purchasing departments, in France and abroad:

  • Export zone manager,
  • Logistics manager,
  • Purchasing manager.

Other potential career opportunities are jobs:

  • as international logistics assistant,
  • in the legal department,
  • in business communication,
  • marketing or web-marketing,
  • in international product development, etc.

Research prospects 

RCI Master’s degree laureates can also register for a PHD dissertation focusing on intercultural relations in the professional world.